The GAP Episode 349 – We’re A Serious Podcast Now

On this episode of The GAP Luke Lawrie and Joab Gilroy aren’t messing around anymore, this show is now extremely serious and there will be no more funny business. They talk about the games they’ve been playing which includes Dead Rising 4, Final Fantasy XV, My Summer Car, Battlefield 1, Tyranny, and Joaby has been watching the Dota 2 Boston Major. In the news they talk about The Game Awards, the PlayStation Experience, and MechWarrior 5. This week they are still running 2 giveaways! They have codes for Titanfall 2, and a double pass to the Brisbane performance of A New World: Intimate Music from Final Fantasy. Listen to the episode for details on how to enter. This episode goes for 1 hour…. but it probably then goes on for another hour and 20 minutes at least, it also contains coarse language.

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